Name – Andrew Kirk, Managing Principal
Company – Forsyths,
Claim to fame – We’ve been around for almost 100 years and feel the best is yet to come.
Company Values – We are invested in your success. We are committed to quality outcomes. We will not carry passengers. We care about our community.
- What does values based leadership mean to you?
Everyone brings a unique set of skills to make our company great – all 100 plus team members are equally important. For me, it’s about realising that each and everyone in the business has a role to play.
Previously it was predominantly about the leadership team rowing the boat. That’s simply not going to work anymore. Now its about having an ocean liner to accommodate the whole team! Having everyone on that ocean liner, paddling in the right direction, everyone along for the journey.
- Can you give me an example of your VBL in action?
Embarking on this cultural piece for our business. If you had asked my five years ago about company culture, I would have told you it was not a high priority, not a major focus for the organisation. But now I truly believe that getting that right is going to be crucial in taking our company to where we want to go. Getting everyone on that ocean liner and having a true understanding of their importance to our organisation needs to be business as usual.
- Who else have you seen employ VBL well?
A difficult question. Whilst I have visibility around certain aspects of other organisations, I don’t get to see how they necessarily live and breathe VBL.
Reflecting on our organisation, we have over 65% females with a lot of working mums. They are clear on their values, direction and what is important to them. Their intent is sincere and they simply don’t tolerate a lot of bullshit.
So to that end, when you ask for an example of VBL in action I’m going to say my Wife who leads our family! She absolutely leads with her values. She is honest with herself and with us, she holds true to what’s important to her, she is happy to challenge the family when she feels it is needed, does so with such dignity and respect, and I can definitely learn a thing or two from her!
- What impact has VBL had on your team/company?
Our organisation has so much potential. We have a group of talented people that we need to get all rowing the same way. By making culture a focus, communicating with the team, empowering them, letting them know they are equal contributors to the direction and success of this business, that is the piece that is critical to the continue success of the Firm.
We are by no means there yet, it’s a work in progress, but the journey has begun.
Thanks Andrew!