Remember back when mum said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”?
I think she was onto something (not that I appreciated it back then).
In today’s world, people seem to be more concerned about having their say rather than the implications of what they say, particularly via social media platforms. Online bullying, judgemental comments and highly opinionated arguments are taking place on a regular basis. People can be quite unkind, claiming they are in the right because they are being ‘honest and authentic.’
In my world, the concept of ‘speaking with good purpose’ is a common one amongst both our team and the Green SuperCamp Family at large. Being one of the Eight Keys of Excellence taught at our Green SuperCamp program, I was recently asked what kind of strategy can be used to ensure this key is lived fully. I think this really sums it up nicely (courtesy of a Facebook Meme currently going viral).
T – Is it true?
H – Is it helpful?
I – Is it Inspiring?
N – Is it Necessary?
K – Is it Kind?
If we all paused and ran what we were about to say through this ‘filter’, imagine the change in relationships, communication and general vibe! You can still be honest and authentic, whilst maintaining empathy, kindness and love. No matter how difficult or challenging a conversation is, it really is worth taking that pause and making sure that what you say is from your heart, rather than your ego.