You’re grounded!
No not grounded, as in in trouble and have to stay home. Although you could be in trouble if you don’t become grounded. I mean your anchoring place or thing. Your reset button. Your pause, take a breath and continue.
What’s the point of having something like that? It’s everything! And the best part about it is that you can’t be wrong about your choice, because it rings true for you. Maybe it could be, a walk on the beach, painting a picture, taking some time for meditation, sitting under a tree or listening to music. Why not have more than one?
The benefit of knowing what helps ground you to your core values and reminds you who you are seem pretty important. I know that I use a whole bunch of methods to reconnect to me. One of my main ones is going out skateboarding. Similar to when you hear people say that they need to go for a drive to clear their head. That’s what skateboarding can be to me, but it is so much more. It gives a sense of control over who I am and where I am going in life. I choose how fast or slow, left or right. It can bring back a lost sense of certainty.
In these moments I can feel myself drop back into me. And then the coolest thing I can feel when I let go of all that is going on around me and just enjoy that moment. Kids throw around the word YOLO (You only live once) a bunch. I don’t like to live by that same idea, but I do appreciate that you may only get to enjoy that exact moment once as it will never be the same. Living in that moment provides more opportunities. They might be little things but they make it all the more exciting. Stopping to pat a dog, meeting a new person or even teaching someone else how to skate.
A powerful combo for me is skating and having my music playing. A world of my own. So next time you begin to feel a sense of overwhelm, or just out of place. Find that thing that brings you back. And actually, do it! You’re important enough to take time for yourself. Everyone has their ‘thing’ so if you can explain to them in a way they understand, you’re more than likely going to find they support your action. Be connected, stay grounded.