Seven years ago, I was in a dark place. I was a mum with two kids under 8 and the step mother of an 18-year-old boy. My relationship with my stepson had been rocky from the start (over 13 years) and created a lot of tension and conflict in our home, and between my husband and me. I felt like my voice was not heard in my own home and I had started to feel like maybe my husband and I wouldn’t make it.
I knew that I was desperately unhappy and that something needed to change. I knew Heather Yelland from attending university together many years ago. I heard she was running personal development events and so decided to attend the Recharge for Life event which was a 10-day event held in Thailand. Despite my husband’s extreme opposition to me going – I went, because for me at this time, it was try this or possibly end our marriage.
At this event, I truly started to understand what made me tick and what was missing from my life. Heather said one thing that almost made me stop breathing which was “All any of us really wants is to love and be loved, and to be known, loved and “got” for the truth of who we are.” I felt tears leak from my eyes at the poignancy of this statement. That was exactly what I wanted and felt I didn’t have.
I learnt that if I wanted my life to be different then I had to be and do things differently. I had to be the one to take responsibility for all that I had created in my life and make the necessary changes. I returned home full of optimism that things could be different. When I went to share what I had learnt with my husband he completely shut me down. He was still so angry that I had attended the event that he wasn’t open to hearing about anything I had learned. At the time, I felt crushed from this, but I realised I couldn’t expect him to change and so I began to change myself.
I applied the powerful tools and strategies that Heather taught. As I learnt more and more about myself and what was important to me, I recognised that I wanted to work in an area that would be more fulfilling. When I thought about what I really wanted to do, I realised that I wanted to make the same difference for people that Heather, and what she taught, had made for me. I wanted people to know and love the truth of who they were so that they could share more of that with the world.
I approached Heather to explore the possibility of working with her and as a result she created opportunities for me to join the team and fulfil my dream of helping others to know and love the truth of who they are. Now I get to do that with business who want to invest in the growth and development of their people and for individuals through our programs and events. I am so grateful to Heather and The Elevation Company, for the hearts it opens and the difference our team makes in the world.