Are you a believer in manifestation?
I must admit, I spent most of my life thinking manifestation was just magical voodoo stuff that other people believed in.
That was, until I experienced it firsthand, in an incredibly impactful way…. which I did not acknowledge the gift of, for some time after.
June 2012, I visited my doctor who asked how I was managing giving up cigarettes. I explained that I was finding it really hard and that perhaps a scare, like first stage emphysema, would motivate me. Three days later, I experienced a stroke, that ‘should’ have taken my life. Yes… insert the warning: ‘be careful what you wish for.’
Does that sound like manifestation to you? It felt entirely accidental and I was still not entirely convinced.
Fast forward to two years later where I decided to take part, out of curiosity, in a beta online program based around manifesting your ideal partner. During the program we were instructed to complete a number of guided visualisations, one of which included visualising each of your ex-partners sitting with you and had you both exchanging all residual emotion you had towards each other, letting go with forgiveness and love. Whilst, I admit, my ideal partner did not appear after the program, within the 6 weeks of completing it, much to my amazement, I was contacted by each of my ex-partners, a couple of which I had not spoken to for over 20 years! Work that one out!
Since those experiences, I have researched and practised a number of different manifestation techniques. Those that involve vision boards, meditations, setting a solid clear intentions, tuning in energetically to what it actually feels like to have what you ask for, and verbalising/writing down a ‘6 – 12month from now’ scenario where you describe exactly what it looks like, feels like, sounds like, tastes like etc to have what you asked for.
I can honestly say that all of these have resulted in some form of manifestation. Some big and some small. And the key behind them all…. Belief. Belief with certainty that the Universe is working to give me exactly what I want and need to be the best version of myself and make the difference I was born to make in the world.
Do you believe? Can you afford not to? <3