Where is your next growth spurt?
That’s easy. It’s your people.
Your people are your company’s only unique point of inspiration. They are your competitive edge and your biggest asset. They can also be your biggest liability but that is an entirely different article.
If you want to take your business to the next level, you need to optimise, engage and inspire your people.
The thing about business today is that everyone has access to the same external resources. We can all buy the same technology, we can all implement similar systems, and we can even all do the same MBA.
It is how your people interpret, use and innovate with those technologies, systems and MBAs , that is going give you the edge. Your people are going to deliver your next growth spurt.
So how do you optimise, engage and inspire your workforce? It all sounds sexy and cool and fun to talk about, but in the harsh reality of people turning up day in day out, sitting at the same desk, doing the same role, with the same people, how do you getting them firing on all cylinders?
Find out what is important to them, what is their big why in life. Why do they get out of bed each morning? What is their uniqueness they bring to the world and how can you allow them to contribute it each and every day.
People are most engaged, most innovative, and most creative, when they are given the opportunity to use their strengths and just be who they are, without fear.
At The Elevation Company we talk about this as “being got”.
People just want to be “got” for who they are and the uniqueness they to bring to the world. That’s when the magic happens. That’s when you get innovation, inspiration and growth.
So, if you’re looking for your next growth spurt, looking to take your company to its next greatest height, sit down with your team and “get” them. Ask “What’s your big why in life and how can we help you live it?”